Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Students in grade 5 have completed an online survey today focussing on the Multiple Intelligences (we all have strengths).  This information will help to inform me on how to best program for students within the class and as individuals.

Reading: students are reminded bring a book to school to read, they are also invited to borrow books from the classroom.  Daily reading at home is encouraged.  When the school library schedule is created, we will be visiting it regularly to sign out books for enjoyment or research.  The Toronto Public Library is a wonderful place to borrow and sign out books or ebooks. 

Math: math is everywhere.  Complete the entrance pass sheet and place it in the entrance bin by Friday Sept. 5th.

Indoor/Outdoor Shoes:  students are reminded to bring in a second pair of shoes to leave at school (in their lockers) to wear during the instructional day.  This minimizes dirt on our classroom floor as we do sit on the floor often and to ensure safety in the gym during physical activities.

Agendas: each student has received an agenda as we will be using them on a daily basis to schedule class activities, trips and teams events for the school year.  A $5.00 fee is requested for your child's agenda. Thank you to the School Council who covers the remainder of the cost.  Connect with your child regularly to share and discuss any dates for upcoming events throughout the school year  :o)

I am a reader of.... Class Community: Students have been asked to bring in one or two objects and their favourite book to share during the assigned time.  This activity "What's in the Sack" will continue to build our classroom community.  Please review the task/handout in order to be prepared for your sharing next week.

Mr. Perretta, Ms Tavares and myself accepting the ALS challenge to raise awareness and funds for those with the disease.