Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Indoor/Outdoor Shoes:  - minimizes dirt on our classroom floor as we do sit on the floor often and to ensure safety in the gym during physical activities.

MEDIA LITERACY: Success Poster planning sheet bump up planning sheet based on student-generated success criteria.
How would you define the term "success"?

I AM A READER: Students have been asked to bring in one or two objects and their favourite book to share during the assigned time.  This activity "What's in the Sack" will continue to build our classroom community.  Please review the task/handout in order to be prepared for your sharing next week.

Monday:  Hanna, Maryanna, Olivia, Oscar, Julian - Congratulation to Monday's Group for coming to class prepared and ready to share.
Tuesday:Rafeed Victoria Cameron Elias Calypso Coen- Student today were able to reflect on how the objects related to them as a person
Wednesday: Bradon, Tess, Tatiana, Jaidan, Fordan, Rashaun
Thursday Lucas, Ikenna, Miyu, Nathan, Juliana, Junior
Friday:  Finlay, Zoe, Ainsley, Cattleya, Henok

The ARTS: For your reference, please visit the Colour Terminology Prezi.  Class time will be provided next week to complete the Colour Package   :o)

MATH:  Practise your 2 timestable use a variety of strategies such as, flash cards, writing them out, reciting to member of your family, playing a game online or at home

Forms: a series of letters and forms have been sent home today and we hope to have them all returned to school be the end of this week.  Please return the school package forms as soon as possible so that we may update school files.

Gmail Accounts:  Please create a gmail account for your child using the information sent home today.  Use the username and password provided.  Sign the media release form and return for Monday Sept 8 and keep one copy to ensure that you have the password and user name.

Class Room Supplies and Agenda Money- Past Due