Monday, September 29, 2014

A big thank you to Kevin Sylvester for coming in today to discuss and inspire our young writers to never give up, keep trying and to keep become life long learners.

Math:  Finish any homework that has not been finalized in Fractions
Practice 4 times table

Kidblog:  Log into One for the Murphys
Complete the first draft for two different post that you started today.

Post 1:  All about me:
Include a brief introduction about yourself (don't include the name of family member, address) keep the introduction brief and describe your interest in and out of class.

Post 2:  Prediction-
(Include a catchy title as your post title)
Make a prediction based on the synopsis, cover and title of the book

Line Drawing:  Finalize your first draft

Field Trip forms have been sent home today... please return by due date signed and with funds (where applicable).