ART: Finish your practice line sheets and start the rough draft of your line drawing
MATH: Past Due
Finalize math assignment, class time was provided to start this assignment.
Grade 5: U8 L1 page 260 #1 2a 3 4a 5 Reflect
Grade 6: U8 L1 page 289 #1 3 7 10 11 Reflect- practice your 3 timetables at-home
READING: Students were introduced to their Kidblog: Great Books & Inspiring Leaders student blog today. Please sign-in and read the posts in "Ms. Rambaran's' blog" prior to beginning your first post. Remember, you can save your post as a draft or publish it once completed. Published entries are due Thursday Sept. 18th. PLEASE NOTE: class time will be provided for this task as many students are being introduced to blogging.
Check out these sites on the side bar for practice:
READING: Students were introduced to their Kidblog: Great Books & Inspiring Leaders student blog today. Please sign-in and read the posts in "Ms. Rambaran's' blog" prior to beginning your first post. Remember, you can save your post as a draft or publish it once completed. Published entries are due Thursday Sept. 18th. PLEASE NOTE: class time will be provided for this task as many students are being introduced to blogging.