Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Stop Program visited our class today to discuss and analyze issues around poverty in Toronto and how we as a society can help curb the issue of poverty in our city.  We played the "Game of Life" and grading ideas to end hunger.  

STUDENTS:   online tasks and other assigned tasks have been provided with in-class time and needs to be worked on or completed at home.  Please ensure that tasks are completed by the assigned due date.

SCIENCE:  Finalize the analysis in your impact group and answer the big idea question within the Electricity Wiki PAST DUE

Data Management Bowling Project: 
Complete Room 301 vs 308 graph
(301 total 2735,  308 total 2913)

SOCIAL STUDIES: in the new post within the Social Studies Blog, share your individual and group inquiry question based on the articles/images discussed in-class this week PAST DUE

Review the Social Studies Wiki and the new inquiry focus area- select two areas that you would like to learn more about and have questions on how that community has contributed to Canadian Identity (do some preliminary research to analyze if there is a focus area within that community that you would to inquire about)