STUDENTS: online tasks and other assigned tasks have been provided with in-class time and needs to be
worked on or completed at home. Please ensure that tasks are completed by the assigned due date.
DANCE-A-THON is this Friday. Bring in your pledge envelopes and remember to dress for success :o)
SOCIAL STUDIES: within your SS wiki your group is to develop a series of inquiry questions that will help you develop an understanding of your community and how it helped to shape Canadian Identity today.
worked on or completed at home. Please ensure that tasks are completed by the assigned due date.
DANCE-A-THON is this Friday. Bring in your pledge envelopes and remember to dress for success :o)
SOCIAL STUDIES: within your SS wiki your group is to develop a series of inquiry questions that will help you develop an understanding of your community and how it helped to shape Canadian Identity today.
1. Develop an individual inquiry question (past due)
2. Carefully select an appropriate website to help you research your topic (past due)
3. Start to research your questions that you developed as a group
Data Management Bowling Project:
Complete your team graph on Google Sheets Data Management Bowling Project:
* Create a graph for your team graph
* Using your descriptive feedback from graph 2-record your analysis responses
* complete your Business Company Start Up- Brainstorm Sheet- past due
* Community Walk Due Monday
MEDIA LITERACY/HEALTH: Students have been assigned to small groups to research a focus area in Healthy Eating. Follow the "Big Idea" and generate 2-3 inquiry questions to research on the topic. You will be given a few days to collaborate online. Next week, students will be provided a copy of their online work to them independently design an informative poster. (The poster will be presented to the class later in the week)