WRITING: Summary Paragraph: Complete the summary writing
SCIENCE: students have been assigned a research topic for our Electricity Unit. Based on the assigned topics, students are asked to collect resources (books, online sites and other) share two jot notes in the Science Wiki within your group page. REFER to the guiding questions from the Grade 5 and 6 OUTLINE.- Finalize research as a group
Grade 5- U1 Show What You Know #6
Grade 5- U1 Show What You Know #6
Grade 6-finish Hockey Arena Entrance Pass
SOCIAL STUDIES: Check out geoguesser, an online game focussing on geographical discovery.
KIDBLOG: One for the Murphy's- End of Reading Reflection
POETRY: Finalize and edit all poems (if you need support- invite a fellow classmate to give you feedback)
Trip Form
Swim Form