Grade 5- U1 L3 #1-4 Reflect
Grade 6 U1 L3 #1-5 Reflect
Blacklight: (practice dance, singing and movement pieces with cutouts)
Dance (white shirt, white socks, black pants)- practice dance
Cut out (black shirt, sock and pants)- visualize movements by listening to song
Singing (black shirt, sock, pants)- practice song
All students need to be dressed and at school for 6:10pm
Local Action Wiki
1. Accept the invite via your gmail
2. Record 4-6 questions that you created for you Local Action Inquiry
3. Record 2-3 research jot notes
Past Due:
Poetry: If I were armour I would be/what would be your armour (finalize on google doc and invite me into your poem to receive feedback)
Implement peer feedback and finalize your last edit for Monday
OFTF- comment of 3 blog post
Reflection- finalize reflection from last weeks workshop with Tanya