Thursday, November 13, 2014

Grade 5- U9 L7 #5-10
Grade 6- U9 L1 #5-10

Remembrance Day
What is a biography?
Using your jot notes on your Canadian War Hero.  Write a biography on your military hero.
Use the link above to help guide your writing.
First Draft- Tuesday November 11 (past due)

Poem- using your voice thread brainstorm ideas- select a picture and create a poem on google docs (in class time was provided-finalize for Monday. Past Due
*  Provide descriptive feedback to another student (Due Wed)
*  Implement feedback given to you (Due Thursday)

Remembrance Day Poem-create an independent poem on googledoc. Invite myself and your partner so that we can give you descriptive feedback
*  Provide descriptive feedback to another student (Tuesday)
*  Implement feedback given to you (Thursday)

Voicethread- review the video and reflect on the message- Past Due

Finalize-  Read over my blog post for details of the assignment
Choice#3 Past Due
Hero Post

We Scare Hunger- Bring in non perishable food items for North York Second Harvest Food Bank