Thursday, October 23, 2014

MATH:  Post your ideas about: where do you find geometry in the environment- Padlet post are due on Wed October 29.  Post two post within this block of time. 
Grade 5- U3 L2 finish lesson
Grade 6- U3 L4 #3abc 4 5

*  In class time was provided at home time is needed to continue on extending your understanding of One Murphy's.  Read over a variety of students post and comment as a reader and as a writer.

SKYPE:  Students who participated in the skype session today are asked to reflect on their experience
Consider the following: (these are just guiding question which you may choose to use or not use)
1. How did the discussion help your understanding of the story
2. Describe what you would have done differently in the conversation if you could have a do over
3. Did you find the experience meaning yes/no why

Grade 5- Comment on the post about Family (read 3-5 post and then comment on 1- ensure that all grade 5 students have at least one comment)

Voicethread: Due Monday
 This interactive program allows you to collaborate and communicate to facilitate and guide your learning as a student community.  Share your response within one of the recording forums (type it, record it or video capture it):

LINE DRAWING:  Class time has been provided - at home time is needed to finalize drawings- Due Tuesday

SCIENCE:  In class time was provided-at home time is need to finalize observational booklet- Due Monday